An interview with The Novel Road

Doug Morrison at The Novel Road interviewed me, about The Pericles Commission, writing historicals, and my experience as a debut author. Here's the result!

It's worth a read, if only for Doug's interesting choice of imagery, and his all-too-accurate joke at the end.


Sarah W said...

I'm not sure that image does Janet Reid justice . . .

But considering the current antiquities market (of which I have inflated ideas), that's a whopping advance!

Gary Corby said...

You're right Sarah, your ideas are inflated.

Those are 7 tetradrachmae = about $2,100 on the open market. At most!

Vicky Alvear Shecter said...

Good stuff! I especially liked your response to the short-story writer, in terms of every scene being like a short-story. So true!