I've done something I thought I'd never do: I got a decent photo of myself.
Months ago, when I signed with literary agent Janet Reid, she told me to get a proper head shot, not that it was certain it would be needed, but "just in case". It was explained to me proper meant not taken by my wife, friend, or random passing stranger.
I ignored her, of course. It would have been the ultimate in hubris to assume I was going to need that photo.
Then Janet sold the book to St Martin's. Now I needed a photo.
Luckily for me, my wife went to school with the talented Vicki Skarratt, who does promo photography for a living, usually for actors. It all looks very cool, doesn't it? The truth is, I am sitting on a child's chair in her driveway in tracksuit pants and bare feet. It is definitely not leather jacket weather. Between every shot I am staring into the distance so my eyes are properly focused, and on command waving my arms about and shaking my body, which apparently is an acting trick for looking relaxed. Vicki tells me most people are uptight about photo shoots, but I thought it was lots of fun.
This is not the real me, btw. This is an idealized Gary who did exist, for the fraction of a second required to snap the photo, but who alas is no more. He's gone, replaced by the grotty, everyday Gary everyone around me is stuck with.
I would buy it! You look very nice. The pic must make it all seem more real. . .
Great picture, and absolutely perfect for your book cover... but I miss the angsty blue one. *snort*
I seriously can't wait for your book to come out, as long as there is nothing in it about anal penetration. You should put a warning on that post! Haunted me for two days, lol. But the book concept is right up my alley. And the happy guy on the back cover would help to clinch the sale.
The only thing that would *stop* me from buying your book would be if there was obviously a strip club in the background and you were currently getting a lap dance.
Instead, you look like a nice guy. So you have at least my sale.
Don't believe him folks - this really is what he looks like. And he is a nice guy. (And, Gary, remember that compliments from me are as scarce as ... er ... um ... things that are scarce.)
Great mugshot.
You're right Deb, there is a certain unreality to all this. Things like the photo make it believable. I have a feeling you'll be finding that out.
I'm sure Angsty Blue will be back one day, but I'm going to use this av for a while to get used to being a normal human bean.
Uppington, I did put a warning on that post, it's right at the top! It's just that no one believed me because the net is full of spurious warnings we've all learned to ignore. Anyway, you're quite safe in book 1. As for book 2, hmmm...maybe.
Thanks everyone for such kind words!
Bill is right, Gary looks like this and not like the blue guy. And to answer the question: yes I would buy a book from a writer who's wearing a leather jacket in the summer. I'm looking forward to it.
But I was hoping to see you in a toga.
Hey Travis. Togas are Roman. The Greek equivalent is the chiton. But thanks, you just reminded me I should blog about clothing.
I confess I did, for once crazed second, consider wearing a chiton. Then sanity returned. Sorry to disappoint.
Congratz on getting a good pic. You may have to change out your blogger pic!
And, yes, I plan on buying a book from that guy.
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