Gosh, and to think I knew him before he was famous

In huge news, my agent-sibling Patrick Lee has appeared on the New York Times bestseller list in position #29 with his debut thriller The Breach. He'll be going up from there. Promise.

Purely to point out my prescience, I'll mention I wrote the following about Patrick in October last year, before The Breach was even released:
Patrick Lee. You're going to be reading The Breach. It's scary how good it is. Patrick and I talked a little about his next story. He's such a quiet, unassuming guy, but he comes up with plots I couldn't have thought of in a million years. The moment I heard it I was fascinated. You will be too.
Yay for Patrick!


Matthew Delman said...

Soon enough we'll be saying this about you, Mr. Corby.

Gary Corby said...

You're very kind and you certainly flatter me Matt. Thanks, all flattery welcome. :-) But the slight difference between Patrick and me is he writes ingenious thrillers and I write ingenious ancient mysteries. The audiences are somewhat different!

CKHB said...

Ditto Matt Delman! Different audiences does not mean you'll get a less enthusiastic audience!

Gary Corby said...

Thanks Carrie!

Let me expand on that to explain my view...

The enthusiasm of mystery readers for books they like is almost boundless. From the people I talked to at Bouchercon and fans I've met over the net I'm amazed at their love of a good mystery, and that's something I share. I can go on for ages about mystery writers I love, and so can any fan.

Mystery readers are a smaller audience than for thrillers, but much more enduring.

I think successful thrillers tend to be a big up front hit with a rapid tail off (unless you're like, Robert Ludlum). A really great mystery on the other hand can last decades. Think of the many famous mysteries of the 30s, 40s and 50s which people still read today. But most thrillers of the same era are quite forgotten.

Success for me is a long term thing. I'd be thrilled if someone 50 years from now is talking about my books (and if I get to hear about it while I'm still on life support).

I'll note in passing that Robert Ludlum was signed all those years ago by a young editor called Keith Kahla. If you check Janet's announcement, you'll see I was signed by an executive editor called...Keith Kahla.

A few years ago Keith also signed a promising young author named Steven Saylor, who today is the most successful ancient mystery writer ever. I'm rather hoping Keith's talent spotting skills haven't degraded.

Loretta Ross said...

Congrats to Patrick! And I expect Mr. Kathla's talents have, rather than degrading, ripened with experience. :)

You and Patrick are going to be making the rest of us look bad for years to come! :P

Gary Corby said...

Thanks Loretta!

Based on the room descriptions in the next post, I'd say the rest of you will be leaving me in the dust any moment now.