A writer's life

A writer's life...I had to go to the shops today. It was my first time out of the house for over a week.

I saw people! They were walking from place to place, blissfully unaware of my ms and its remaining problems.

I spoke to someone outside of my immediate family, and it wasn't via twitter!


irenesbooks said...

If this were on Facebook, I would click on "Like" ...

Gary Corby said...

Thanks so much Irene! I'll consider it liked. :-)

Joanna said...

This can also arguably be considered "An agent's life" too. Although I'm not social enough to even be on Twitter.

Dave in Columbus said...

Not a critcism...but you left out my favorite moment in the story, from Herodotus, Book V, 79. About 507 B.C. Spartan King Cleomenes, realizing he had been duped by Delphi, and fearing Cliesthenes' reforms were making Athens too strong and unpredictable, decided to make things right by invading Athens and setting up his own Athenian puppet Isagoras. Cleomenes was no fool, and knew he was no match for the Spartans, so he and his allied families withdrew from Athens, leaving the city leaderless. It should have been a cakewalk for the Spartans, but it turned out the Athenians had learned to lead themselves. They rose up, trapped the Spartan King on the Acropolis, and forced him to withdraw. Cliesthenes fathered democracy, but at that moment, I think democracy gave birth to itself.